
Tenacatita to Armería: Diver Down

Sunday, November 30, 2008 We awoke early to search for breakfast. Since it was too early for out of town tourists to have arrived, none of the restaurants were open yet. We returned to the room to do some reading and packing, and then went back into town at 9. The employees had showed up, […]

Chamela to Tenacatita: Costa Alegra Cont.

Saturday, November 29, 2008 We awoke in our bungalow to another sunny morning. We both had slept great to the sounds of the surf. Our next destination was Tenacatita, a name we can never remember or pronounce correctly. These are going to be some of the easier days of this trip for us, as we’re […]

Mazatlan to Chamela, Mexico: Costa Alegre

Wednesday November 26 to Friday, November 28 The ferry ride from Baja to Mazatlan was uneventful. We had splurged on a cabin, with the hopes that we could get a good night’s sleep and use that to power us away from the tourist trap of Mazatlan as rapidly as possible. The cabin was surprisingly plush, […]